There's always something. But usually it is little and doesn't involve a breech in morals and beliefs.
I hadn't signed my video releases. I didn't want to. It said something about they could use my video for assessment (of me, which I totally expected - no problem) but then it went on to say "professional development, RESEARCH, and" basically anything else they wanted to.
I kinda had a problem with that. A big problem with that.
Yes it's true I got all of the forms back from the parents stating that was fine. But I wonder if they even read it. They were probably like, "Oh, Mrs. Daisy needs this so lets get it back to her." because that is how my parents of my students are. They are wonderful.
So I look at myself as the last line of defense against anything that may harm my students. And I tend to take a lot of stances that err on the side of caution.
So my mentor (being the patient soul) suggested calling National Board and asking them if they had another form, or if something could be marked out, etc. (The strictness of this is amazing so it we knew better than to just cross stuff out because it COULD mean they wouldn't score the entire section).
The lady I spoke with there was very unhelpful - well, unhelpful in that she just wouldn't see my point or my side.
I have (no, I am not exaggerating) exactly half of my students that receive some kind of help for something - special needs. I tend to be even MORE protective of them. And they are wanting me to sign away that they can use those videos of those kids for anything they want??
Yes, they are respectable and all but still, I just really didn't want to do that. Nowadays there are so many horror stories.
So my options?
sign OR
reimburse my district and the state $3000 AND have wasted 2 years of work on something that I didn't turn in.
Not good choices. So I signed them and cried as I did it. What should have been a joyous occasion is now tainted with going against my beliefs, and strong ones at that.
I asked my mentor if anyone else had ever had a problem with these releases. She said no and I was floored. But then she did say she had never had anyone with so many special needs students either.
I called my teammate on my way home. She could understand my reluctance, which made me feel better. But still, it's my signature.
I hate that rock and hard place place. Especially when it comes to standing up and fighting for what you believe.
At this point I can only hope they will be responsible and kind, assess my teaching and then be done with the videos.